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Registration : Education : Speak Out : Be Heard

"To #RockTheVote means ensuring our voices are heard. It means knowing what’s on the ballot, keeping tabs on current events, and registering to vote at our current address. It means volunteering to encourage our families, friends and communities to #RocktheVote. And on Election Day, we #RocktheVote!"  - Rock the Vote


At MDPR we are proud to partner with Rock the Vote as well as the Peoria Riverfront Museum and Peoria's Energy 102.3. Check out Rock the vote at their website and learn how to #RocktheVote!

Taking the ISideWith Political Quiz is a great way to figure out which current political candidate's views best match up with your own! Take the quiz today and become a more informed voter. You can also visit their website for more detailed information!



The bottom line is that the youth demographic needs to be more involved in the political process.  Whether it is getting registered, being educated about voting, filling out absentee ballots or simply being shown that their voices do count; MDPR’s goal is to provide young people with the resources and motivation to participate in this upcoming election and elections in the future. This campaign is needed so that young people can become involved in the civic opportunities presented to them and so that they can continue to voice their opinions and cast their votes in the future.

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